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Our Story

Chris Simon and David Taavialma are teachers who love teaching kids to read.

Not just decoding words on a page, but connecting with families and motivating kids to own their reading.
“I'm excited to share how student ownership can accelerate growth and deepen learning. The BOSS system can be a game changer for students tired of interventions.” 
- Chris Simon, Founder

We launched BOSSreaders in 2010 to make our unique online reading program accessible to kids everywhere. Along the way, they unleashed a movement to shake up the reading-intervention paradigm.


We met while teaching high school in Denver. While searching for a way to close the reading gap between higher- and lower-income students, we developed a blended reading solution to help struggling readers. We created The BOSS Reading Course, a place where young readers practiced in the same way athletes train.


Students’ reading improved, and their confidence soared. Their reading skills helped them master other academic subjects. We watched as the kids took ownership of their reading.


Next we created the BOSSreaders online reading program to share our idea with as many kids as possible. The BOSS Online Reading Gym is an interactive and safe place where students train—in reading. It’s available to students nationwide. Anytime, anywhere.


For us, BOSSreaders is a dream come true, because it makes deep reading practice accessible to every child. Schoolchildren, homeschoolers, dual-language learners, and all students who need an alternative reading intervention.


David Taavialma lives with his family in Denver, Colorado. He can often be found playing pickleball and rock climbing with his son and three daughters. Chris Simon lives with his family in Golden, Colorado. He spends his time hiking, traveling and enjoying sports of all kinds. He also works for the JDO Educational Foundation.  



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